Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

Francis Simukoko(Mr) [fs_pt.ics]
(Mon - Fri)
[1]MonL4M8 - Procurement and Supply in Practice    L3M2 - Ethical Procurement and Supply ONLINE  CERT-04 - Procurement ONLINE 
[1]TueL4M8 - Procurement and Supply in Practice L3M5/L3M6 - Socially Responsible Procurement/Socially Rsponsible Warehousing & Distribution L3M5/L3M6 - Socially Responsible Procurement/Socially Rsponsible Warehousing & Distribution     
[1]Wed   L3M2 - Ethical Procurement and Supply 5UMSR - Managing Stakeholder Relationships (elective)  L6M2 - Global Commercial Strategy ONLINE 
[1]ThuCERT-04 - Procurement L2M2 - Procurement and Supply Operations ONLINE        
[1]Fri   L4M8 - Procurement and Supply in Practice ONLINE L2M2 - Procurement and Supply Operations  L6M3 - Global Strategic Supply Chain Management ONLINE 

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.5 (21/01/2025 10:07)